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 Innocentx - Rogue 
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Joined: 28 Nov 2011, 23:32
Posts: 2
This was my most recent app to <Ronin> which was declined as they had 2 strong hunter apps, and I showed a slight lack of knowledge in my Combat rotation - which btw is debatable! I think my rotation description was pretty accurate.
Anyway, Tesseract advised me to apply. I've modified the app to more closely suit the <excession>'s template.
I'll be quite honest, I was/am close to quitting WoW due to conflict with my last significant other (as I stated in my history) and the only thing keeping me going is the addition of legendary daggers for rogues. After having played this class as a main for 4-5 years, I feel I should see if it could finally be my turn to be on the receiving end of a current orange item after helping others in similar quests in the past. I am also keen on PvP/RBG/Arena, so an exclusive set of daggers would be nice to accomplish my goal to become a gladiator. In return, I offer a pretty dedicated and knowledgeable rouge. I think I only had to sign out of 1 raid in my time in <Oldliners>. Also, the Mists expansion also looks very very tempting.

Anyway, thanks for reading thus far.

Name - Innocentx
Class - Rogue
Level - 85
Spec - Subtlety
Gear - ... ntx/simple

- Are you willing to change spec if needed? If you have a dual PvE spec what is your gear like for it?

My current Pve spec is Subtlety, whereas previously, I raided Firelands as Assassination.
I would raid as Combat, however, bad RNG meant the only time Gatecrasher dropped was in an alt-raid where I passed it on to a guest out of courtesy.
I feel that Assassination is a good all-round spec for Firelands, but it can easily get boring and predictable.
As I fancied a bit of a change, I decided to try Subtlety. It is a far more difficult spec to play due to the high maintenance rotation, and as such, is not valued as high as Combat or Assassination because of the lack of testing. However, with practice, it is a rewarding spec to play with a very high damage output when pulled off properly. The only downside is that it lacks cleave damage - which is preferred on Majordomo and Ragnaros - and positional requirements such as Backstab and Shadowstep - the latter which is useless on Ragnaros itself as it would port you into the lava pool. Currently, I am not worried about Backstab nerfs as it's been reported as a tooltip change for the time being.
With regards to 4.3, Combat and Assassination seem to be a close tie in terms of viability, but we will know as soon as tests from the PTR can confirm.
To draw a close to the spec discussion, I am happy to play whatever spec is required!

- What is your former experience in end game raiding?

Since this goes hand in hand with the 'previous guilds' section, I'll condense all this into one.

Started playing Vanilla WoW halfway through TBC, stalling at level 60 as I didn't have the expansion then, completing most of the end-level quests. As there wasn't much else to do at the level cap, I started pugging Vanilla raids with other people between level 60 and 70, clearing Zul Gurub, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Doing most of the raid quests too, I was also well on my way towards completing the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, only needing the Red Scepter Shard for completion. Also, completely failing to mention, I have killed Patchwerk, Grobbulus and Gluth in 40-players Naxxramas (at level 70 with about 15 others.)

Anyway, after acquiring the expansion and levelling to 70 I joined a competitive raiding guild called "WMC" as a casual, and after expressing interest in joining the active raiding team, I was given the chance to prove myself. I geared up and started clearing Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair and Serpentshrine Cavern in my own time, joining the guild in Mount Hyjal and Black Temple when I was ready.

At the start of Wrath of the Lich King, we swiftly cleared Naxxramas 25, Malygos 25 and the Obsidian Sanctum 25, working our way towards Sartharion with three drakes alive at the start of the encounter. Our main focus lay in 25-man raids, but we did the 10-man versions on a casual basis.
The guild went into hiatus during the summer, so I joined a fairly new raiding guild called <Void Zone>, which formed from the ashes of <Evolved>, also a successful raiding guild in TBC. There we cleared and farmed Ulduar 25 up to and including General Vezax, doing a couple of hardmodes and 'Glory of' achievements on the way. We spent a lot of time on Yogg-Saron reaching phase three, but never quite got the kill. Admittedly, I was growing a little frustrated about the inability to kill Yogg and the increasing number of cancelled raids.

I decided to part with the guild, migrating to Kor'gall Alliance, having been offered a trial in <Bad Company>. There, we managed to down Yogg 25, as well as moving on to One Light in the Darkness. When the Call of the Crusade patch came out, we progressed well through Trial of the Grand Crusade 25, even getting as close as standing infront of Anub'Arak with 50 tries left. Alas, we wiped in phase three...this was actually the same night <Phalanx> got their 'Tribute to Insanity' on 25-man. For weeks we tried to get the achievement, but our raid leader then, Tankjoy, went AWOL and the guild started falling apart.

Most of it's members went on to form <Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit>, however, I got accepted into <Phalanx> with whom I raided with throughout the Icecrown patch right until Cataclysm. We cleared and farmed Icecrown Citadel 25 HM up to the Lich King and 'Glory of', competing with <Loot FTW> and <Rosvosektori> for kills. We slotted into second place after <Rosvosektori> fell apart, but never quite got the Lich King HM kill either, though we had a lot of good tries right into phase three. Halion 25 was also on our farm list, as well as some good attempts at the HM encounter.

At the start of Cataclysm, there was not a great need of rogues in <Phalanx> as the guild turned their focus away from 25-man raiding. After discussions with the officers, it was decided I'd be best off continuing elsewhere, so I left the guild on good terms.

Besides the raiding, which I had mostly done in top 1000 eu guilds, I've always PvP'd in my spare time, obtaining 'Challenger', 'Battlemaster', 'Justicar' and 'of the Alliance' in my time at level 80 on alliance.

I decided to go casual in regards to raiding, joining the then newly migrated horde PvP guild from Burning Blade, <Crime Syndicate>. Our main focus there were the freshly introduced RBG's, though I was lured to the guild with the promise of casual raiding. With my previous experience in PvE, I helped set up and lead the raids as an officer, and we progressed through Blackwing Descent 5/6 (10-man) and the Bastion of Twilight 2/4 (10-man), as well as tries in the Conclave of Wind. The progress happened pretty late into Cataclysm, and with only two days a week, with the other days for RBG's.
<Crime Syndicate> sadly fell apart at the start of Firelands, and I faction changed some of it's officers to horde on Kor'gall where we formed <Lincoln Wiped on Opera>, which is the guild I am in now. I managed to complete my 75 RBG wins for 'Veteran of the Horde' early into the season, but like a lot of PvP guilds, this one was very short lived. After dissatisfaction with new recruits for our RBG team, some of the officers migrated to Al'akir, while I stayed behind.

Soon after, I started looking around for a new home for casual raiding, and found <Oldliners>. Having been accepted into the guild, I joined in on the Firelands farm runs with only Ragnaros left to defeat. Having had no previous Firelands experience, I slotted in nicely, and we managed to down Ragnaros, moving on to heroic modes. I was present for our only Ragnaros kills and our heroic kills for Shannox as well a 22-23% attempt on Majordomo Staghelm.
I have left <Oldliners> now over arguements concerning my last significant other whom I vouched for to join the guild. I don't need to get into details, but we have all learned from the mistakes I hope. PS: I've also done some 'exclusive' stuff like "Herald of the Titans". But you can see all that progress on my armory.

- How long have you been playing WoW / What is your /played on the character you're applying with?

This rogue is my first and only main, which I have played since TBC, 392 days played. Far too much in my opinion.

- Do you, or are you willing to farm consumables, resistance items and so on?

Resistance items...have not farmed those since Black Temple to be quite honest. But yes, I farm on occasion when I have the time, but I also do dailies to pay for consumables. WoW is one massive farm so yes, I am a farmer!

- What is your age? - 26
- Where are you from? - Germany/UK
- How bad do you smell? - I smell ok actually.
- What is YOUR opinion on Trolls? This depends really, 'Trolls' is a very vague definition. You get humorous trolls, maliscious trolls, and green trolls (AKA the race.) With such a vague definition, I can't really give a strong answer.
- Do you have Ventrilo? Yes
- Microphone? Yes

- Please tell us your DPS/TPS rotation.

Tricks of the Trade on the starting tank before the pull to give a good threat boost, then get as close to the target as possible. Once all this is in place, open with Garrote, use the generated CPs for Slice N' Dice, Mutilate followed by Envenom to ensure a quick generation of 5 stacks of Deadly Poison, Mutilate until you have 5 CPs for Rupture. At this point, you should only be a couple of seconds into the Overkill buff, at which point I pop Vendetta and Synapse Springs/Pot, falling into my Assassination prio rotation of Slice N' Dice > Rupture > Tricks of the Trade (on a DPS). After my initial Overkill has faded, I Vanish and open again, only with my Slice N' Dice and Rupture already in place so that I can get as many 4/5 CP Enevom's in as possible. This also means I should have Vanish off CD near the end of the encounter. I'll use my Cold Blood during Overkill whenever I have 5 CP's for envenom. I'll pool energy (without capping) when I have 4/5 CP's so that I can get the max benefit from mutilating during the Envenom buff. Just before the target reaches 35%, I'll pool energy again so that I can substitute Backstab into my rotation instead of Mutilate.

To be quite honest, it's been a while since I've last raided as Combat, but as far as I remember, the rotation is as follows.
Tricks of the Trade on the starting tank, and as they pull, pop Killing Spree for uber-threat boost. You can do this from stealth or out of stealth, whichever suits you best. The main CP builder is Sinister Strike, and again, the aim is to keep a maximum Slice N' Dice and Rupture rotation up. I'll use my first CP's for Slice N' Dice, then build up 4 CP's, filling the remaining CP with Revealing Strike and finishing with a 5 CP Eviscerate. I'll pop Adrenaline Rush and Synapse Springs/Pot when Slice' N Dice/Rupture are up and get as many Revealing Strike to 5 CP Eviscerates in as possible. I'll use my Tricks of the Trade on a DPS whenever it's off CD, same with Synapse Springs. I'll try and switch to an add with Redirect whenever possible so that I can benefit from Bandit's Guile again. It's basically just a combination of the above with Adrenaline Rush/Killing Spree when off CD and Blade Flurry if there is the opportunity for cleave damage (Majordomo/Ragnaros adds.)

For Sublelty, I use Buff/Debuff tracking addon such as Rogue Power Bars, due to the amount of buffs you need to maintain. I'll start off by getting the healers to do some random healing so that I get 5 CPs for Slice N' Dice to use prior to pulling the boss, which is a big DPS increase. I'll Tricks of the Trade the starting tank, Shadowstep to the target followed by Ambush, using the generated 5 CPs for Rupture. Then Hemorrhage (glyphed) once and Backstab to 4 CPs and get the raid to fill the last CP for me for the finisher, which will mostly be Eviscerate, but in this case, Recuperate as it's the start of the encounter. When I have Slice N' Dice > Rupture > Hemorrhage > Recuperate up without any of them in immeadiate danger of falling off, I'll start toying with my CDs. I'll Shadowstep when I know I have Shadow Dance off CD, so I'll use my Shadow Dance + Synapse Springs macro for maximum burst. I'll use that in junction with Vanish for the Master of Subtlety buff at the start, and shortly after, pop Premeditation for my second Vanish + Shadowstep combo. Of course, making sure to keep Tricks of the Trade used on every CD. I think you can see how this is the most difficult of the rogue specs to master.

Recent SS of a Baleroc kill in Subtlety (w/o 4-piece T12)
(click + enlarge)

- Tell us briefly about any Max level alts you may have. Would you be happy/confident to play them in a progress raid if required?

I've put so much time into the rogue, that I never really did much with my alts. I have a protection/retribution paladin at level 85 (Headcandy - Kor'gall Alliance) which I raided with a little in Icecrown Citadel, but that's about it. I'm 100% about the rogue class.

- Please confirm that you have read our rules.

I'm not a bot, promise.

- Please tell us something about yourself.

Well, I live in Aberdeen, Scotland. Have a HND in Computer Graphic Design as well as a years experience at 2nd year University. I have meddled with Photography in the past, with some photos having made it into publications such as the NME, Rocksound and Metal Hammer. I love my music and Sailor Jerry, have also extensively DJ'd in Aberdeen. And that's it pretty much, I try and embrace the good things in life!

Any questions, feel free to fire them my way.

28 Nov 2011, 23:44

Joined: 28 Nov 2011, 23:32
Posts: 2

(img link not working?)

28 Nov 2011, 23:46
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Joined: 23 Jun 2007, 04:39
Posts: 608
adam being your reference is more than enough right now.

i'll invite you as a trial. welcome to the guild.


29 Nov 2011, 00:07
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