Name: Vervormer
Class: Druid
Level: 70
Spec: 0/0/61
Played Time(/played): 65 days
Gear Link: to which Raid Instances: All
Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc): All, been to sunwell aswell (got my chest from there
Your previous guilds in WoW: Xrealm 1... disbanded 2 months ago
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player: I want to join a raiding guild... and i used to play on kor'gall a long time ago... wanted to come back
Your raiding availability (be very detailed about this. your school/job/pregnant gf. we need to know which days/hours you can raid): Almost every night
Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us ): Nope, Xrealmer
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE -> 1st
- PvP -> 3rd
- Crafting/Harvesting -> 2nd
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)? Yes
Are you willing to respec for the raids (yes/no)? Yes
Your real life age: 19
Your name and nationality: Jeroen Borst -> From The Netherlands
Tell us something about yourself (impress us, we like people who has some good sense of humour):
I copy pasted this, i suck...... <--- yes i did! I won't lie about that! But i'm a
Dutch Cow.... what else do you want/need to conquer new bosses?
But besides that... i love to surf and play tennis (and sometimes kickboxing)!
I hope that i'm able to join you guys and get back to some serious raiding