Name: Nearchus
Class: Paladin
Level: 70
Spec: Holy (44/12/5, PvE healer with Imp BoM)
Professions: Alchemy (375) & Herbalism (375)
Played Time: 63d, 17h (Account created: 8 December 2007)
Gear Link: Nearchus - Be.Imba ,
Nearchus - ArmoryI am attuned to these Raid Instances:Seeing as I am post-TBC release, and attunements have gone out the window I would have to say everything in TBC including Kara.
I have been working on the title Champion of the Naaru for fun though
Former experience in end game raiding:Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, Zul'Aman, SSC (2 bosses)
My previous guilds in WoW:SotD (Sanctum of the Dutchman);
NBC (Natural Born Chillers);
IW (Iron Wind);
My reasons for leaving those guilds:SotD: when I just started out leveling my Paladin I joined this group of people from my own country. They were for the most part a fun guild with no real intentions of raiding at the time, so I left when I hit 70.
NBC: I joined the second I hit 70, they wanted to raid and were looking for all kinds of peeps to fill their ranks. In the end we never did get enough people on raid days and the guild more or less dissolved after a couple of months.
Bloodlust: I joined this guild after being promised a spot in the Alt section so I could gear up in Kara/ZA. It never came to pass seeing as the guy making the promises didnt consult with the Classleader or the Guildleader. I joined and left a day later because of this.
IW: Another fine guild to join at the time cause they were just going to raid SSC/TK and had Kara/ZA on farm. I did several runs with them in Kara/ZA which landed the shoulders, gloves and shield I still use today. In the end the guild went into the summer break and not a whole lot of raids were going on except for the core members and the farm runs came to an halt. Again I moved out for my eternal search for a guild that would finaly get me to gear up proper.
Assasins: Seeing as these guys were just starting to scratch on the door of SSC/TK they seemed the proper ticket for me. Although that scratching on the door proved to be a one time deal. They were stuck in Gruul/Maggy not getting the people to run even these raids. It was NBC all over again so I started to look at another guild again.
I have been doing a lot HC runs, more or less knowing all instances like the back of my hand. The Badges from those runs helped me gear up in the end which resulted in the Be.Imba seal of approval I have today
Reasons of wanting to join:I was hoping to join a Guild that would let me see the inside of all the Raid instances in Outland like SSC/TK etc. As WotLK is incoming this november I started to realize that it will never happen with the guild I am in now and I decided that I at least wanted to see BT/MH/Sunwell.
Excession is one of the few Guilds left that is in that particular raid moment so you are the natural choice for me to apply with.
That and the fact I have come to know several of you guys ingame during my leveling and hc runs
My raiding availability:At the moment I am availible on most evenings, I dont have some fixed thing during weekdays that prohibit my participation in raiding. Weekends are subject to change but when I sign up for a raid I will be there.
People in Excession I met in-game:I know
Korgash from his Alt Imovable back in the day we were both leveling them up. I think I did most of my leveling up with him.
Mayhemlord and I have been doing some HC's lately including a fast Kara the previous week. He knows my healing style by now and could possibly share his opinion on me when it comes down to that
I also know
Walonia from NBC I think it was. I think we also did some HC runs together when I was heavily into organizing them during the week.
Gorgontus I know from Assasins, the couple of raids we did toegther were pretty ok, his Totems kept the Mana love coming
I think I know a couple of more guys from HC runs but they dont come to mind right now.
Activities in order of preference:- PvE
- Crafting/Harvesting
- PvP
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild :Yes. Part of my daily routine consists of Nether Residue Daily Q which I get from Herbing. I also do the Daily Fishing Q and the Sha'tari Skyguard bomb run which I combine with fishing. I have stocks of Crawdads, Golden Darters, etc.
Running Farms on Kara/ZA etc is ok with me when we cannot raid the SSC/TK & BT/MH instances.
Are you willing to respec for the raids:Yes, if there is a real need for it. I am specced PvE Healer at the moment with the Improved Blessing of Might so I can offer all buffs to Raid.
Name and nationality:Tim and I am Dutch, you know the party people from Holland/Netherlands
About me:I like to join up with you guys so I can have Mayhemlord shit his pants more often when I am healing him, usually when he only has 10% health left