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 Guild Guidelines / Rules [updated july '11] 
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imba demoralizing shout
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Joined: 25 Jun 2007, 16:51
Posts: 291
A. General

1. More rules. WTF?
Yes, rules sucks. Having said that, a guild is a community. To make it function smoothly we need to put down some guidelines, so that you as a member, get the most benefit out of it.

2. I don't need no benefit, can I ignore these?
Umm, not exactly. The second reason to have guild guidelines is to make sure that no member start pissing of others. So I suggest you try to stick to the guidelines. There aren't that many as you will see.

B. Guidelines

1. Helping the guild by helping fellow members
This is probably the most important thing that you can do for your guild. If you are not on a quest or in a group waiting for Instance/group quest, always ask guild if any member needs your help. Start helping out guildies on their quests and instances. By doing this you are helping yourself as well as the guild.

Lurking in Orgrimmar and spamming trade channel will do you no good. The more you actually play, the more you can improve on your own game play. Each class have a number of different skill combinations/stances/specs. Keep improving on them.

2. Helping the guild with items
There are a few ways you can help this guild with stuff that are:

i. BoE(Bind on Equip) drops.
1. If you don't need them, do ask the guild if someone else needs them. You are directly helping guildies to gear up.

2. If no one replied saying they need the item, it doesn't mean that no one will need them in the future. Some offline member might be in need of that item too. So if you think that item might be useful to others, put it in the guild bank.

3. Good Rare or Epic drops can bring significant gold from the Auction Houses. So I agree we will be pushing you a bit too far if we ask you to simply hand over the item to other members. Yes you can sell them to members but we suggest asking less than the market price. This way
- you help the member who would have otherwise paid a lot more at the Auction House
- your own effort while getting that item doesn't seem to go wasted

ii. Crafting Recipes
If you don't need it, ask guild or just put it in the guild bank.

iii. Trade goods or Items crafted
Pretty much the same as above. If you got some extra stack of herb/ore/cloth/leather/etc., or crafted some nice item just to increase your professional skill, please ask guild and/or put it in the guild bank.

3. Helping the guild by behaving properly
i. I like to have fun
Yeah me too. But remember these are real people playing behind those characters. Don't crack a joke which will seriously piss of someone and/or start a flame.

ii. Swearing
Try refraining from it. The hassle it can lead to when used in the wrong context is not worth the effort. People slip up from time-to-time we know that, but try to avoid it.

iii. Grudges
It is entirely possible that you get pissed off by the tank not tanking properly. Or that priest who failed to heal you at the right moment leading to a party wipe. Here are some things you should consider before typing your grudges at the guild chat.
1. The guild chat is not the place to flame or be sarcastic.
2. 99.99% of the time they were really trying their best. So its a mistake not intentional.
3. 99.99% of the time they are trying to improve by gaining experience from the previous failures.
4. Most probably he/she is realizing the mistake and even getting nervous anticipating further failures. You are not helping him/her improve by flaming or telling other guildies how much he/she sucks.

In such situations here is what you do.

1. Never forget that this is a game, and its a bit childish to pick up a fight with another person. You are not working or doing something that important. You are just playing. But the least you can do is behave mature.
2. Nicely suggest the person better or alternate moves/spells/tricks that will help. Remember thats a real person with a personality and ego. So suggest; don't command like you are his boss.
3. If you still believe you have a better idea, use the forums to post. Remember just making a negative post doesn't help anyone. If you are posting, make sure its a suggestion to help improve game play.

iv. Griefing
All the actions against ToU/ToS ("Terms of Use"/"Terms of Service", as in ToUA) are not welcome in Excession. If found out by officers, serious action will be taken.

Some of the actions we are strictly against at:
1. Ninja looting (Though in groups or parties, it is a violation of ToS only if the raid leader explains the loot rules before the raid starts then goes against them.)
2. Spamming (Though all topics are usually allowed in General chat, unless they are profane or insulting.)
3. Spreading personal information about another player (be it a guild member or just a random player), even if it's false information.
4. Harassing, mocking, insulting players or gamemasters. (This includes creating pointless GM tickets such as asking for game tips or gold.)
5. Scamming, i.e. fooling others by pretending something that is actually not happening. (This includes scamming people with tradeskills)

While some rules may not be written in stone, use empathy and moral jurisdiction in those situations and decide for the best.

v. Blizzard game rules
Stick to them. Breaking them often result in a damaged rep for both the offender and the guild.

vi. You represent Excession! You represent the Horde!
You are the Horde! You know no fear. Your honor knows no bound. Your might unchallenged. At your presence enemies tremble. Friends gain courage. But one thing they all do - they respect!

C. Guild Bank

i. The guild bank is used for in the order of importance.
1. Supplying raids with potions.
2. Gearing up guildies for raids.
3. Gearing up guildies in general.
4. Supplying guildies with trade goods/recipes for increasing professional skills.

ii. The guild bank is NOT used for
1. Storing personal items that you would like to have back when you clear your own bank slots.
2. helping your brother/friend/sworn enemy who is NOT in guild.

D. Raid loot rules
These are some general rules about distribution of raid loot in guild.

1. Epic Item drops
Epic items dropping in raid instances will be first offered to participants holding Raider rank in Guild. If there are no members/raiders present who need the loot, then initiates can bid on it. If no one needs it, it will get disenchanted and put it in the guild bank.

There can be some exception made to this rule, for example, if the raid leader decides on the spot on equipping an initiate or not allowing bid on a specific drop, if he/she thinks thats best for the guild.

2. Patterns/Recipe drops
i. Recipes that craft BoP items
These recipes can create items which can be used only by the crafter who crafted it. You can bid on these recipes provided you can craft them and item crafted make sense for you. The bidding order is as stated in point D1 above, i.e. Raiders first, then Members, and so on.

ii. Recipes that craft BoE items
These recipes will go to guild.

3. Special drops which can be used by everyone, and does not affect guild strength

Cosmetic/fancy drops, For example Fiery Warhorse's Reins dropping from Attumen the Huntsman. But again like D1, members present get to roll. If no member wants it, which is unlikely, then initiates can roll.

E. Questions and suggestions

1. I got some new ideas/suggestion. Where do I post them?
In the General forum.

2. And questions?
Ask any of the officers in-game.

Right. Now move on.

01 Jul 2007, 13:38
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Joined: 23 Jun 2007, 04:39
Posts: 608
rules are updated.


02 Jul 2011, 03:24
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