Name: Centuri
Class: Rogue
Level: 70
Spec: 20/41/0
Played Time(/played): 60 days
well afk for awhile online XD
Gear Link: ... &n=CenturiAttuned to which Raid Instances: ssc/tk/mh/bt
Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc): karazhan: 11/11 Zul'aman: 6/6 magh: 1/1 Gruul's lair: 2/2 Tk 2/4 SSC 2/4 on this rogue ive been clear it with my mage Mount'hyjal: 1/5 3/5 with mage BT: never enter only with my mage
Your previous guilds in WoW: Fallout
Your reasons for leaving those guilds: 1 Bad guildmember
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player: Raid and have fun with member
Your raiding availability (be very detailed aboutgoing in school i can raid Evryday if there isent an trip somewhere with family
Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us :p):
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE .... ofc
- PvP
- Crafting/Harvesting Enchanting
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)? Yes
Are you willing to respec for the raids (yes/no)? Yes OFC
Your real life age: 16
Your name and nationality: Mikael Ramadhan live in sweden
Tell us something about yourself (impress us, we like people who has some good sense of humour): well i like to drive motorbike and be with friends,,, love playing wow.. have no girlfriend atm :/ xDDD
well i have really good sense of humour
......Crap is that me
have a good day/night