Class: Warlock
Level: 70
Spec: full destro atm. but willing to respec for raiding. preferred raid spec 0/21/40 (Demonic Sacrifice/Shadow & Flames)
Armory link: ... =Ecthanielkara farmed.
Attuned to which other Raid Instances/Heroics: all
Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc):
Pre-TBC: Onyxia, MC, BWL, AQ20, ZG no Naxx though.
TBC: Kara, ZA, SSC(hydross), TK(VR).
No BT/MH/SP experience.
Your previous guilds in WoW:
Super Adventure Pandas & DoH
Your reasons for leaving those guilds:
DoH disbanded, SaP to few ppl online at raid times to fill a raid so the raid activity was really low the last month.
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player:
I really believe that Excession is a guild that has potentials with progressing in the end-game instances and I really would like to contribute to the guild with my experience and Deviate Fishes. My ambitions are that I want to be a part of a community and get the best possible progress/gear.
Average playing time per week:
5/10 hours a day equals 40/70 hours a week. I'm online everyday almost all the time.
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE
- Crafting/Harvesting
- PvP
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)?
Yes of course.
Your real life age: I'm 17 years old.
Tell us something about yourself (now now, be honest):
I'm from Norway and when I'm not at school I'm gaming or drinking.
I have a Cat and a webcam.
I have also spent to much time on /b/.