Spec:The spec the guild wants me to be! Pref fire
Gear: ... etusbellum Karazhan attunement complete? If not, which part of the key quest chain: Done
Attuned to which other Raid Instances/Heroics: All but Tempest Keep instances
Former experience in end game raiding: Only done a bit of kara, gruul and the start of SSC
Your previous guilds in WoW: Natural Born Chillers
Your reasons for leaving those guilds: Its more of a social guild, and when we raid (which is not often) then we are in big need of tanks and healers.. They understand why i left
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player: I want to progress in the game and get new superior gear and such! And i've heard that you guys are pretty fast moving =)
Average playing time per week: ehh.. thats hard to point out.. like 3-5 hours a day? can easily be more
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE 70%
- PvP 20%
- Crafting/Harvesting 10%
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild: If its really needed i can be arsed to do it
Your real life age: Only 15. But i hope you can see that i dont really act like a kid or so
Tell us something about yourself (now now, be honest): ehh.. I'm a 15 year old boy from Denmark. I like to play guitar and bass in my spare time (which i got lots of) and trying to get a job atm. I like a good laugh and enjoy company