Excession of Kor'gall-EU

Deaze - 70 Mage
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Author:  Deaze [ 20 Feb 2008, 01:45 ]
Post subject:  Deaze - 70 Mage

Hai there!

Name: Deaze
Class: Mage
Level: 70
Specc: Arcane / Frost 41/20 Pve Specc

Gear: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... ll&n=Deaze

Karazhan attunement complete? If not, which part of the key quest chain:
Done :)

Attuned to which other Raid Instances/Heroics:
I'm honored with the factions, But I haven't bought the keys, Done em all with my druid though.

Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc):
Karazhan, Gruul, Zul Aman and SSC (Hydross and Vashj)
Pre Tbc: Everything up to Twins in AQ40.
Note: I've healed and balance dpsed the most of it with my druid, this mage is my old alt, And I have it as main now. :)

Your previous guilds in WoW:
Alot, This is the first serious one on this mage.

Your reasons for leaving those guilds:
I don't think they exist anymore :cry:

Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player:
I've heard from a few rl friends that you're a great guild and I'm looking for a guild with social and cheerful peeps :D

Average playing time per week:
Waaay to much. 6h+ per day. =(

Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- Pve (Easy choice, I love progression and exploring new areas)
- Harvesting and Crafting
- Pvp (Does pvp exist? Farm for welfare epics ftw?)

Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)?
Ofc, Cheaper than buying ;) Nah, But I don't mind farming.

Your real life age: 18 summers >:)

Tell us something about yourself (now now, be honest):
Laid back guy, Some of my friends says that I'm funny. I'm a fast learner and I hope that I can bring something to this guild. I've been playing since 2 weeks after the game was released, I've played most of the time on a Druid, But I've also played rogue and this char. I have mostly pvp gear, I know.. Welfare! weehoo! But I've been raiding with it and it works fine.

Yours Sincerely
Deaze tha Mage

Author:  thrallfist [ 21 Feb 2008, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deaze - 70 Mage

Nice. What happened to your druid btw?

Author:  Sisis [ 21 Feb 2008, 13:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deaze - 70 Mage

Question is, are you the type of mage that will kindly make a table in AV or AB etc, or will you tell people to FO? lol will speak to you in game, or get an officer/class leader nab to

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