Excession of Kor'gall-EU

Pazmanjacha aff / destro lock
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Author:  Pazmanjacha [ 12 Nov 2012, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Pazmanjacha aff / destro lock

Name: Pazmanjacha
Race Undead
Level & Class: 90 /warlock
Played Time (/played) (Both for your current level and total): 60 days
Professions: herb and tailoring

Your real life age: 20
Your name and nationality (share if you like ): Matija and Croatian

WoW in general:
Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us ): Niope do not know anyone

Your previous guilds in WoW: group two group tnt that i have activly raided with here ok korgall and on ragnaros melees can't spell

Your reasons for leaving those guilds: well i changed the realm cuz melees can't spell fell apart on ragnaros came here cuz i had many friends playing here started to raid with them but all of the guild's strated to slack a bit and caceling raids and i don't like that so i left

Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE 1
- PvP 2
- Crafting/Harvesting 3
- Leveling Alts 4

Tell us something about yourself (impress us! We like people with a good sense of humor): well my name is Matija I am from zagreb croatia playin wow for bout 6-7 years now i am a student of economics here in zagreb i work a part time job as a waiter at a night club in my spare time i playe wow and that is about it not much going on with me hh i like to get stoned from time to time and or drunk and that is basicly it

Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player (hardcore raider/casual raider/casual player/pvp player): well i currently don't have a raidng spot at group two and the guild started to fall apart so i am looking for a guild to raid with i would say that i am a semi hardcore player

Spec you will be raiding as: afflliction since it is the best dps solution atm will change depending on dps loss/gain
Your offspec (if you think it to be useful): destro maybe for bursting stuff

Gear Link (from official wow-armory site or from other sites that evaluate your gear): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... cha/simple

Former experience in end game raiding (including classic/tbc/wotlk): i started to raid durning the end of wotlk and as for end game content durning cata while i was on ragnaros in melees can't spell we got a few server top 5 kills and were ranked as a 3rd guild on our realm

Your raiding availability (Do you have school/work that can sometimes get in the way of raiding?): yes only sunday sometimes i will have to work

Please write down how frequent you can attend the raids at the following days and which times at those days you are able to raid:
Monday: from 18:00 till the end of the raid
Thursday: 18:00 till the end of the raid
Sunday: 18:00 till the end of the raid if i will be working then i probebly can't raid :S

We will use Ventrillo as means of communications during raids. Are you able to use it? yes

Are you able/willing to re-spec to appropriate PvE-specs for guild raids (yes/no)? yes

Done? Cool! You can do a /who Excession and send a /w to any of our online members. Just tell them you filled out an application. They will poke an officer for you
Awsome :D

Author:  benedice [ 15 Nov 2012, 23:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pazmanjacha aff / destro lock


having a full blue gear and no pandaria reps don't really help with the intent of raiding like you claimed.

thanks for your interest but i'll respectfully decline.

good luck.

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