Hey there! I'm interseted in joining this guild, therefor, I'm making an apply! Soo where do i start..
My characters name?
My characters name is Reckbîtchx, Shes a lvl 85 orc warrior. I've been playing my warrior for about 77 days total, and 17 days this level. I don't have any proffesions at the moment, and I'm not thinking of lvling one either.
My real life name is Paul, I'm 15 years old and I'm from Norway.
Ehh, i were friends with Righteously for a while, but i don't have that much contact with him anymore :p
In wotlk i were in a guild called Broken, i raided 11/12 icc 10 man with them but i think they did 12/12.
I just left a guild called Soul collectors, Mainly because they aren't making any proccess at all.
Uhm I'd love to start raiding firelands!
I've got full 371 pvp gear if needed.
And I'm currently lvling my alt (a 46 paladin) Going to make a lvl 70 twink out of him
I'm always happy (90% of the time)!
I want to join Excession because it looks like a good, and kind of a steady guild :p (If u know what i mean)
I'd look at myself as a casual raider, mainly because of my gear and because I've got to be alittle social with my friends sometimes :p
I think i would be raiding as Arms, even though my prot gear is better. I don't know tbh i like dps'ing more than i like tanking.
Here is my warriur:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... chx/simpleAs is said I've been raiding ICC 11/12. I have also been raiding BWD 5/6 and TOTFW 2/2.
I got football every Tuesday at 8 pm, So I'm not available then :p
Think I'll be available every Monday, Thursday and sunday at any time.
And yesss i do have ventrilo :p
Sure i could respec to any spec you'd want me to, but I'd prefer Arms.
Hope you appreciate this application and come with some nice responses!