Name:Ashburn Dennis IRL
Spec:Elemental now but i will respec to Enhancement if i can join the guild.
Gear (
Karazhan attunement complete? If not, which part of the key quest chain: Yes i got kara pre quest done. all heroic keys and exal whit al.
Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc): Mc.Zg.Bwl.Kara.ssc.Za.Grull.
Your previous guilds in WoW:Only pvp guilds
Your reasons for leaving those guilds:whanted to go pvp
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player:Whant to stop the pvp and start the pve again
Average playing time per week:7 days a week from 3-22/00;00. And on weekends i play from 12-06;00.
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE I like pve coz its a chaleng to kill the bosses.
- PvP I Dont like pvp so much any more coz i got the gear i need and i only need to play arena =/.
- Crafting/Harvesting Bs 375 Mining 375
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)? Yes
Your real life age: 17 soon 18
Tell us something about yourself (now now, be honest): I am a fun guy that likes to raid and have fun in raids. mostly i go to school and work whit cars and such noting more
-Gear i got full epic melee gear 2/5 t4 and full epic kara gear and some things from grull. /w and i can go to the bank and put it on if needed ! cya =)