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 Application Gruttepier 
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Joined: 30 May 2011, 22:18
Posts: 2
Basic information:

Your character:
Name: BM/SV hunter Gruttepier
Race: Orc
Level & Class: 85 Hunter
Played Time (/played) (Both for your current level and total): 75 days, 17 days at this level
Professions: skinning

Your real life age: 38
Your name and nationality (Erik, Dutch )

Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game Twosack, Bazza, Kaliy, Branagh.

Your previous guilds in WoW: Outkast, our core raiders did quit WoW

Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE
- PvP
- Crafting/Harvesting
- Leveling Alts

Tell us something about yourself: At day i am an ICT nerd, at night i'm a pixel hero with a boomstick.

Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player (hardcore raider/casual raider/casual player/pvp player): I'd like to raid a few days a week, atm moment its not possible in our guild.
Next to that id like a bit of pvp action as well.

For those who apply as raiders:

Spec you will be raiding as: BM
Your offspec (if you think it to be useful): Survival for extra aoe action and air phase fights.

Gear Link (from official wow-armory site or from other sites that evaluate your gear): ... ier/simple

Former experience in end game raiding (including classic/tbc/wotlk): TBC, Kara, Wotlk: Naxx, Ulduar, Onyxia, ToC 10, Malygos, OS 10, ICC till Lichking, after that i temporarily quitted WoW because of work. I started WoW again in BWD but only killed the first 3 bosses atm.

Your raiding availability (Do you have school/work that can sometimes get in the way of raiding?):
Nearly every night during the week, and some weekends

Please write down how frequent you can attend the raids at the following days and which times at those days you are able to raid: during the week, except Friday and till from around 19:00 till 23:30

30 May 2011, 22:56

Joined: 27 May 2011, 21:26
Posts: 12
Good hunter (named after my cat you may have noticed) known him a long time !

30 May 2011, 23:10

Joined: 23 May 2011, 20:22
Posts: 5
I support this application

31 May 2011, 00:18
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Joined: 23 Jun 2007, 04:39
Posts: 608
well, like i wrote to your friend's application, we are currently recruiting for 25-man firelands. and your gear is not really the best for it, but we do normal tier11 raids every now and then and there's also the zandalari loot and the valor loot becoming justice loot next patch so gear wouldn't be a problem here.

you also have our members' support it seems.

let's see another officer's idea and get you in.


31 May 2011, 02:43
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Joined: 24 Jul 2008, 03:47
Posts: 157

31 May 2011, 20:49
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