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 Holy/Shadow Priest Drmayo Application 
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Joined: 09 Dec 2010, 03:20
Posts: 2
Basic information:

Name: Drmayo the priest
Level & Class: 83 when writing this, but it may change
Played Time (/played): 50 days (on this char, probably about 200 combined)
What is your professions, and do you have any rare recepies? I dont have any notable proffesions, its just too much of a bore to farm.

Your real life age: 18

Your name and nationality (share if you like ): Ludvig of Sweden

WoW in general:
Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us ): pass

Your previous guilds in WoW: I just recently migrated to Kor'gall, so i dont think you have heard of any guilds I have been in. But I have been in alot of raiding guilds in the past 6 years

Your reasons for leaving those guilds: Most of the time because of guild-split

Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player:

Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE
- PvP
- Leveling Alts
- Crafting/Harvesting

Tell us something about yourself (impress us! We like people with a good sense of humor): I always wished i could have my own themesong, It would go something like this: "Dr Mayo, Dr Mayo" and then ive got nothing more. But seriously I am a very social, loyal and funny guy. I think you would like me.

For those who apply as raiders:

Will you be hardcore raiding or casual raiding? Probably hardcore, but you never know what happens in life
Spec you will be raiding as: Healer or DPS, whatever you need
Your offspec (if you think it to be useful):

Gear Link (from official wow-armory site or from other sites that evaluate your gear):
Well since I am currently leveling in cata I dont think you need this now do you?
But here it is: ... ayo/simple

Former experience in end game raiding (including classic/tbc/wotlk):
Raided in classic/tbc/wotlk in almost every instance there is.
In classic and TBC i raided as a tank, but in wotlk i switched from my warrior to my priest so I healed from then on.

Your raiding availability (Do you have school/work that can sometimes get in the way of raiding?):
I work about 3 days a week at different times but i should be able to go to most raids.

Please write down how frequent you can attend the raids at the following days and which times at those days you are able to raid:
Monday: pretty much all the time.
Tuesday: pretty much all the time.
Wednesday: pretty much all the time.
Thursday: pretty much all the time.
Sunday: pretty much all the time.

We will use Ventrillo as means of communications during raids. Are you able to use it?

Are you able/willing to re-spec to appropriate PvE-specs for guild raids (yes/no)?

09 Dec 2010, 03:38
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008, 23:02
Posts: 120
Former experience in end game raiding (including classic/tbc/wotlk):
Raided in classic/tbc/wotlk in almost every instance there is.
In classic and TBC i raided as a tank, but in wotlk i switched from my warrior to my priest so I healed from then on.

Which instances did you do specifically? (On the priest)


09 Dec 2010, 18:02

Joined: 09 Dec 2010, 03:20
Posts: 2
on priest:

naxx 10/25
ulduar 10/25 (server first flame leviathan lol)
ICC 10/25 (quitted before i could down lichking)
malygos 10/25
OS 10/25
I wasn't playing when ruby sanctum came out.

I have played both shadow and holy in all of these instances.

10 Dec 2010, 00:02
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008, 17:31
Posts: 419
Location: Denmark
Im not sure what the hardcore team lacks in the priest department, that said you are most welcome in the semi-casual team. That being said there is always a need for healers and there is only 1 spriest in the guild atm, so accepted as initiate. Poke an excession member ingame and they will poke an officer for you

11 Dec 2010, 13:37
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