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 Rick - Prot warrior 
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Joined: 07 Feb 2009, 20:50
Posts: 1
Name: Rick
Level & Class: Level 80 Warrior
Spec (the spec you will raid as): Protection
Played Time (/played): since the 80's, so thats a looooong time

Gear Link (from official wow-armory site or from site): '

Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc & pre-wotlk): I used to raid alot, mostly the fridge tho.

Your previous guilds in WoW: None worth mentioning

Your reasons for leaving those guilds: I won something fair and square and i didn't get iit anyway, so i left after we argued alot.

Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player: I want to entertain people with my music skills :)

Your raiding availability (be very detailed about this. Your school/job/personal issues. We need to know which days/hours you can raid):
I can raid whenever needed, unless im giving a concert :)

Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us ): I know Espana, aka Pablo. Great lover that man is, no?

We will use Ventrillo as main communications program during raids. Are you able to use it? Use it to speak? I will happily sing in it :)

Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE - PvE always spoke more to me than the other things, its like you are a few people and you take on the whole goddamn world. Kinda like giving a concert.
- RP - Any good singer would know how to get in a character they usually are not.
- Crafting/Harvesting - i craft art through my lyrics :)
- PvP - Not so much to my liking.

Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)? but ofc mylady.

Are you able to re-spec to appropriate PvE-specs for guild raids (yes/no)? I have no problem with taking other roles than the lead singer.

Your real life age: I am 42 years old.

Your name and nationality: Richard and I am a proud englishman.

Tell us something about yourself (impress us! We like people with a good sense of humor): I am closely related to the music industry, so I can easilly get some good cheap tickets for some concerts if someone is interested.

I have this video from one of my older guilds with me tanking in Molten Core (OLD!!!!) i know it is old, but still, its what i've got.

07 Feb 2009, 21:09
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