Application Template
Name: Eione
Class: Warlock
Level: 70
Spec: Affliction 41/9/11 - ... ll&n=EionePlayed Time(/played): About 28 days.
Gear Link: ... ll&n=Eioneor ... cter=EioneAttuned to which Raid Instances: Haven't the attunements been removed?
Former experience in end game raiding (including pre-tbc): Kara, Gruul, Magtheridon, Zul'Aman, Mount Hyjal (first three bosses). I haven't been too SSC or TK, so my experience isn't the best, but I'm a fast learner.
Your previous guilds in WoW: Fallout
Your reasons for leaving those guilds: Fallout: I left them about 1 month ago because I didn't want to play when school started. Now, when school have started again, it seems like we won't get much homework so I'll still be able to play wow. When I then re-applied to Fallout, they didn't have a spot for a warlock.
Your reasons for wanting to join us/ambitions as a player: I want to progress and not be stuck on some boss for weeks/months. I also want to raid with nice people, who dont shout things like "WTFUXUX DIEE!E!!!11111".
The people in Fallout were nice.
Your raiding availability (be very detailed about this. your school/job/pregnant gf. we need to know which days/hours you can raid): I'm at school 8 AM-16 PM monday-friday. Except for those hours, I can raid whenever.
Any references? People you know who are in Excession/met in-game (and tell them to post after your application to convince us
Sort the following activities in the order of your preference:
- PvE
- Crafting/Harvesting
- PvP
Are you willing to farm consumables/instances for the guild (Yes/No)?
Depends on what consumables
Are you willing to respec for the raids (yes/no)?
Your real life age: 16
Your name and nationality: Robin, Sweden
Tell us something about yourself (impress us, we like people who has some good sense of humour):
Well. I have 2 cats. Go to school here in my town. I study technic and programming. Like winter more then summer. There's really not something special about my personality.